How do you calculate an athlete's match percentage?

Match percentage is a way to discover new opportunities and to see how well athletes qualify for their favorite schools.

We use a proprietary algorithm to create the match percentage, with 100% reflecting a perfect fit. The algorithm considers several factors, especially:
  1. Academics: Based on athletes’ profiles.
  2. Athletics: Based on the athlete evaluation, highlight videos, events, and key stats and measurables.
  3. Athletes’ Preferences: Based on what they’ve told us they want from a college experience.
  4. Coach’s Needs: Based on what college coaches in our network have listed as their preferences.
Once an athlete has received a match with a school, they can look at their Coach Activity Report to learn more about why they are a good fit with that school. To keep track of which schools an athlete is communicating with, visit the College Coach Activity tab in their profile. The Target List tab in their profile shows which schools they have favorited or you’ve recommended.
The Match % will also allow them to see their Match Analysis, which details why a school may or may not be a good fit for them (example below):

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