Creating Connections through Find Colleges

There are hundreds of schools that offer collegiate athletics, and many of them will likely fit the Degree and Social goals you have in mind. It is key, then, to maximize your opportunities by finding as many schools as possible that fit you! How to search for colleges (VIDEO)

Find Colleges will make your college research easy, efficient, and enjoyable. Use this search map to create broad searches for college programs offering your sport across different states, or use the Advanced Search Options to specify based on several different categories. From your results, you will have access to a detail page for every college in the country that includes: favoriting/emailing that school, your recruiting progress with that school, coaching staff information, degree offerings, Admissions/Financial Aid info, and general characteristics about the school.

Use Roster Openings to see recent postings from coaches looking for a player that meets your description.

Use Coach Requests to see what programs may be looking for on their full recruiting board.

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